Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework

IWAF in Practice


Case studies and practical applications of IWAF.

Find out more about the way in which IWAF is applied in practice by organisations. On this page, you find the different use cases of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework.

In Practice

Annual Impact Statements


ABN Amro – Impact Report

ABN Amro bank publishes annually its Impact Report based on IWAF. This report provides an (monetized) assessment of the impact we had on our main stakeholder groups during 2022: our clients, investors, employees and society.


Alliander – Annual Report

Network operator Alliander includes the monetized impacts to society in its annual report.

Get started with impact accounting.

Get started with Impact Accounting by using our Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework.

IWAF is written on behalf of the Impact Economy Foundation by a.o., experts from Harvard Business School, Singapore Management University, Rotterdam School of Management and Impact Institute.