Steering towards Broad Prosperity
Working together for broad prosperity.
The Impact Economy Foundation has joined forces with Alliander, Stedin, Enexis and Gasunie for the collaboration ‘Steering for Broad Prosperity’. The aim of the sector collaboration is to anchor management of social impact at the core of the organizations. Collaboration enables infrastructure companies to learn from each other and make faster progress in the field of measuring, reporting and managing broad prosperity. The Impact Economy Foundation works together with NGinfra for this.

Our ambition: Aim for broad prosperity
We ensure that with the 4-year collaboration:
The energy transition will be ecological and socially just designed with broad prosperity as a starting point.
It is transparent and clear how infrastructure companies report and manage positive social impact for society
We achieve this together:
Measure and report our social impact in a harmonized manner.
Establish and promote cross-sectoral cooperation for broad prosperity

Impact Economy Foundation en Infrabedrijven starten Sectorsamenwerking Sturen op Brede Welvaart
Met de langjarige samenwerking hebben de infrabedrijven als doel de energietransitie ecologisch en sociaalrechtvaardig vorm te geven, met brede welvaart als leidraad. Hiervoor gaan de infrabedrijven brede maatschappelijke impact verankeren in de kern van de besluitvorming en rapporteren ze transparant over de impact…
Netwerkbedrijven sturen op brede welvaart
Netbeheerders experimenteren de komende vier jaar met sturen op brede welvaart. Dat betekent dat ze beslissingen nemen waarbij ze naast financiële ook maatschappelijke en ecologische kosten en baten meewegen. De Impact Economy Foundation ontwikkelde een methode waarmee dat kan. “Iedereen weet wat we bedoelen met omzet…
Become a partner
Collaborate for new value

The current times give rise to a reorientation on value: from financial value to social impact. In addition to financial value, it is important to count social, human and natural value and take them into account in every decision.
This is a challenge for the entire economy!
We therefore like to work with other organizations and sectors to make this possible. Together we ensure that broad prosperity is a leading concept in the enterprising Netherlands.

Get in touch
For any questions or to join the movement, reach out to us via the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!