The mission of the Impact Economy Foundation is to accelerate the transition towards the Impact Economy by developing the mindset, instruments and incentives for the impact economy.

Our vision: Impact Economy

An impact economy is a market economy that provides the values, information and incentives that
optimise the common good and enables people to pursue their own preferences, ideas and projects to
satisfy their needs while having a positive impact on society.

To realise the impact economy, we need to broaden the group of businesses that aim to realise impact and deepen the integration of impact into businesses. This requires developing enabling practices:

  • A cohesive architecture for the impact economy
  • Universal and standardised measurement, valuation and reporting of impact
  • Availability of high quality, and preferably, real-time information and data on impact at low cost
  • Government regulation and policies that require transparency and incentivise positive impact
Read our vision

Join Our Team

Have a look at our vacancies and join our mission of realizing the Impact Economy.



The Impact Economy Foundation is lead by a strong board of 9 members. The board is supported by an expertised advisory and academic council.


General Organisational Information

  • E-mail: info@impacteconomyfoundation.org 
  • RSIN: 860162710
  • Chamber of Commerce Nr.: 75154927

The Impact Economy Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende InstellingANBI) and complies with the ANBI Conditions.

Policy Plan
Click here to read the IEF Policy Plan (Dutch)

Annual Accounts
Download the Impact Economy Foundation annual accounts 2023.

Download the Impact Economy Foundation annual accounts 2022.

Download the Impact Economy Foundation annual accounts 2021.