Principles for true pricing

Principles for true pricing

In recent years, more companies and organizations have adopted true pricing practices, which aim to reflect the real social and environmental costs of products. As these practices become more widespread, there is a growing need for a common understanding of the...
Van Groei naar Bloei met Impact Accounting

Van Groei naar Bloei met Impact Accounting

Ondanks de giftige cocktail van groeiendemaatschappelijke uitdagingen (klimaatverandering, biodiversiteitsafbraak, voortschrijdende mensenrechtenschendingen) en de toenemende commitments aan de SDGs ontbreekt het in de financiële sector aan betrouwbare...
The case for monetary valuation

The case for monetary valuation

 Monetary valuation of business impacts is the language business understands, it enables comparability, it incorporates the local context and the complexity of how impacts arise and is relatively easily integrated into traditional accounting systems and decision...