We are the movement that accelerates the transition towards the Impact Economy, an economy in which:

  • Work, innovation and entrepreneurship contributes to resolving our societal challenges.
  • Impact accounting puts societal value creation and contributing to the SDGs at the heart of every single organisation.

  • Sustainable, responsible and regenerative entrepreneurship is easier and more profitable than business as usual.

To accelerate the transition to the Impact Economy, IEF works together with companies, executives, NGOs and governments to develop the mindset, instruments and incentives for the Impact Economy.

Our Mission

The Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework

The Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework (IWAF) forms a center piece of the Impact Economy. IWAF provides organisations with a harmonized, consistent way of measuring, reporting and steering on impact. The framework helps to quantify and monetize organisations’ impact on social, human and natural capital for all stakeholders.

This framework is the result of a partnership of the Impact Economy Foundation (IEF) with Harvard Business SchoolSingapore Managementuniversiteit,  Rotterdam School of Management en Impact Institute.

Follow the link below for more information and to download the latest version of the IWAF.

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The National Conference on Broad Prosperity brings together the pioneers of the Impact Economy. The pioneers come annually together to monitor progress, be inspired, get energized and accelerate the transition to the Impact Economy.


A Chief Value Officer is an executive who not only steers at financial value creation, but at the creation of positive societal impact (the combination of social, human, natural and financial capital). IEF provides a platform to CVOs by annually awarding the CVO of the Year Award.


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Join Our Mission

Accelerate the transition towards the Impact Economy together with us!

We want to align with like-minded initiatives and individuals. Together we can build the ecosystem of organizations working on impact, such as reporting, impact investing, and impact measurement.

Help us shape this community by joining our journey towards the Impact Economy.

As an individual you can join IEF as a:

  • Council Member. Express willingness to join one of the councils, e.g. giving advice on IEFs open source work from a professional capacity.
  • Fellow. Join one of our working groups to develop instruments and tools for steering on impact.

Organizations can work together with IEF in the following ways:

  • As a Founding PartnerHelp set up the community.
  • As a Strategic Alliance. Working together on strategy, lobby and funding
  • As an EndorserExpress your support.


The Impact Economy Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende InstellingANBI) and complies with the ANBI Conditions.

Download the Impact Economy Foundation annual accounts 2023.