Summary to Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework

The Summary of the IWAF has been developed to guide organisations and investors in measuring impact and pursuing sustainability and value creation beyond financial value.

This executive summary provides an overview of the main elements of IWAF, explains the reasons behind the importance of IWAF, how the framework contributes to the field and gives an overview of all the documents building the framework, it’s content and target audience.

Incubating the Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework

The Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework is incubated by the Impact Economy Foundation (IEF) together with thought leaders and leading practitioners in an inclusive and scientific manner. IWAF is developed in partnership with the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative from Harvard Business School, Singapore Management University, Rotterdam School of Management, and Impact Institute.

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Do you want a 30-minutes of the key arguments for IWAs and what the key properties of IWAF are?

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