How the Integrated Value Model enriches corporate decision-making and promotes sustainable business


How the Integrated Value Model Enriches Corporate Decision-Making and Promotes Sustainable Business Organisations and their management need an interpretation of ‘value’ far broader than simple financial value if they want their business to thrive – or even survive – in a world tested by environmental and societal shifts. The

Leveraging Corporate Sustainability Reporting For Circular Transformation


Leveraging Corporate Sustainability Reporting for Circular Transformation This white paper—Leveraging corporate sustainability reporting for circular transformation: A starter guide—shares insights from the latest research endeavour by the Coalition Circular Accounting (CCA). The Coalition assessed the implications of European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) E5, Resource use and the circular

True cost accounting applications for agrifood systems policymakers


True cost accounting applications for agrifood systems policymakers This background paper of the Impact Economy Foundation and True Price Foundation to the Flagship The State of Food and Agriculture 2023 of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN FAO) introduces true cost accounting (TCA) as an approach to measure and value

Van Groei naar Bloei met Impact Accounting


Van Groei naar Bloei met Impact Accounting Ondanks de giftige cocktail van groeiendemaatschappelijke uitdagingen (klimaatverandering, biodiversiteitsafbraak, voortschrijdende mensenrechtenschendingen) en de toenemende commitments aan de SDGs ontbreekt het in de financiële sector aan betrouwbare impactinformatie en instrumenten om te sturen op maatschappelijke impact. Impact accounting kan de basis leggen voor

The case for monetary valuation


The Case of Monetary Valuation Monetary valuation of business impacts is the language business understands, it enables comparability, it incorporates the local context and the complexity of how impacts arise and is relatively easily integrated into traditional accounting systems and decision making. We call on policy makers, standard setters, and