Global Community to realise the Impact Economy

Many recognize the need to reconstruct the economy in a way that can bring prosperity to all, now and in the future, by simultaneously generating material wealth, health and conserving nature. Until now, this reconstruction captured the need to transform the economy to address key long term challenges – hunger, poverty, inequality – and avert long term crises – including climate change and biodiversity loss.

We believe the answer lies in realizing an impact economy, a market economy that provides the values, information and incentives that optimize the common good and enables people to pursue their own preferences, ideas and projects to satisfy their needs and have a positive impact on society.

Realizing the impact economy requires developing the required foundations, standards and professions. Such an ambitious agenda starts with people and therefore we aim to enable the realization of an impact economy by creating a global community of impact professionals who can develop these building blocks.

Our envisioned five year agenda (2020-2025) is about achieving five key goals:

  1. Bring together a community of leaders from all sectors to shape the impact economy
  2. Design the foundations of the impact economy
  3. Develop concrete regulatory and policy proposals for the impact economy
  4. Incubate a standard for impact statements
  5. Incubate a global community of impact professionals



The IWAF public consultation is now open.


Save the date!

We are organising a follow-up webinar for practitioners on September 1st


Our Initiatives

Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework

The Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework (IWAF) is a standard to quantify organisations’ non-financial impact. An organisation’s impact reflects the value that the organisation creates or reduces for all its stakeholders: employees, customers, the environment and the broader society. The IWAF provides guidelines and definitions for organisations to include impact information in their annual reports. As a result, companies following the IWAF guidelines can steer on purposeful and intentional impact that benefits society, while ensuring their own licence to operate.

This framework is the result of a partnership of the Impact Economy Foundation (IEF) with Harvard Business SchoolSingapore Management University,  Rotterdam School of Management and Impact Institute.

We are proud to announce that the IEF has made significant progress developing the IWAF. The IEF is facilitating a public consultation to gather feedback on the IWAF. You are invited to provide your feedback on the IWAF until 9 September 2022.

Follow the link below for more information and to download the latest version of the IWAF.

Go to the impact-weighted accounts framework

Twenty-one hundred Initiative

The Twenty-one hundred Initiative is a movement of current and aspiring executives for an impact economy. The aim is to change the most important institutions, committees, supervisory boards and boards so that work, entrepreneurship, innovation and technology lead to well-being. Ultimately, the aim is that financial and economic policy concretely ensures a vital society and planet in the year 2100. Unique in this initiative is that new leaders join forces with current leaders.

GO TO 2100

Join Our Mission

The community of impact professionals will be interdisciplinary. Some will be dedicated impact specialists, while many will be impact generalists whose core responsibilities will lie in strategy, finance, reporting, accountancy, marketing and R&D. Impact professionals will hail from business, finance, government, civil society and academia.

We want to align with like-minded initiatives. There is also a fertile ecosystem of existing organizations working on an aspect of impact, such as reporting, impact investing, and impact measurement.

Help us shape this community by joining our round tables to shape the strategy of IEF.

Individuals can support IEF in the following ways:

  • As a Member of the Advisory CouncilGives advise to IEF’s board in this phase
  • As a Council Member. Express willingness to join one of the prospective working groups and councils, e.g. giving advice on IEFs open source work from a professional capacity.
  • As a FellowExpress your support and willingness to join our community-in-development

Organizations can work together with IEF in the following ways:

  • As a Founding PartnerHelp set up the community.
  • As a Strategic Alliance. Working together on strategy, lobby and funding
  • As an EndorserExpress your support.


Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework

The Impact-Weighted Accounts Framework aims to fill the gap of a missing international standard of impact reporting. Click here to read the framework and its supporting documents

Workshop Report Sustainability Reporting

Workshop Report Sustainability Reporting

IEF & ECGI organised a workshop on the IFRS consulting on sustainability reporting in December 2020. Click here to read the report of that workshop.

Comment letter IFRS Consultation on Sustainability Reporting

IEF believes that accounting and reporting on multi-capital, multi-stakeholder impact is crucial for well-functioning markets in a sustainable economy. Click here to read our comment letter.

Making Markets fit for SDG Purpose

Forward-looking integrated reporting (including verified impact statements) should become the norm. Click here to read the full article in the Financial Investigator.

Statement EU Consultation on revision of NFRD

Accelerating the transition to an Impact Economy with the Next Gen NFRD. Click here to read our statement and full consultation document.

Vision Paper Impact Economy Foundation

We want to reconstruct the economy for the 21st century. Click here to read our vision paper.




  • E-mail:
  • RSIN: 860162710
  • Click here to read the IEF Policy Plan (Dutch)

The Impact Economy Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende InstellingANBI) and complies with the ANBI Conditions.

Download the Impact Economy Foundation annual accounts 2021.