Impact Statement Series

Apr 30, 2024

IWAF in practice – The “Impact Statement Series”

The Impact Economy Foundation launched a new series: the “Impact Statement Series”.

This series of short guides showcases how organisations use IWAF in practice for impact reporting and impact management.

Read more about IWAF in practice

Read the short guides:

Coming soon (May 2024)


Gasunie is a Dutch state-owned company managing energy infrastructure across north-western Europe, which focuses on natural gas, CO2, and hydrogen, prioritizing fair access and accelerating the transition to climate neutrality.
Gasunie published its Integrated Profit and Loss based on IWAF this year for the first time. Read the short guide to discover the key takeaways from Gasunie’s IP&L Adoption.

Gasunie’s IP&L Adoption


ABN AMRO Sustainable Impact Fund is a leading private impact fund in the Netherlands, which directs EUR 500 million towards companies driving positive change in Energy Transition, Built Environment, and Sustainable Consumption. Read the short guide to discover the key highlights of ABN AMRO’s Sustainable Impact Fund.

ABN AMRO Sustainable Impact Fund

Triodos Bank

Triodos is a pioneer in sustainable banking, leading the charge towards positive change in renewable energy investments. Its integrated annual report presents Impact Statements, highlighting the valued social and environmental impacts of their renewable energy investments. By quantifying and valuing these impacts, Triodos gains a profound understanding of their contributions to society and the environment.

Triodos’s Impact Statements


Enexis is a regional grid operator in the Netherlands. Enexis accelerates the energy transition while improving its impacts on human and natural capital as effective as possible.
Enexis’s Integrated Profit & Loss (IP&L) provides a comprehensive view of their value creation, highlighting their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and societal well-being.

Enexis’s IP&L Adoption

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