How the Integrated Value Model enriches corporate decision-making and promotes sustainable business

Organisations and their management need an interpretation of ‘value’ far broader than simple financial value if they want their business to thrive – or even survive – in a world tested by environmental and societal shifts. The decision in where and how to invest must take other values – societal and ecological values – into consideration.

The long-term viability of organisations may be at risk if executives do not enhance their way of decision making. If executives, business managers, and relationship managers would better understand the positive and negative impacts of their business activities on their stakeholders they would have a much richer set of data points to help understand where business opportunities lie and what business risks to prepare for.

The Research Project

The paper tries to answer the following questions:

  1.  Does integrated value help the transition to sustainable business models?
  2.  Could a case be made for the CFO to embrace integrated value?

The investment decision model for integrated value is tested with two case studies:

  • An automotive company, and
  • A food company

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